Coming Soon to iOS & Android

Break Free from Gaming Addiction

Start your 90-day journey to recovery with personalized support, community motivation, and proven tools to overcome gaming addiction.

GAMEFREE App Interface

Key Features

GAMEFREE provides all the tools you need to overcome gaming addiction and build a healthier relationship with technology.

Urge Stopper
Immediate support when you feel the urge to play games. Get quick motivation and reminders of the negative consequences of relapsing.
AI Therapy Chatbot
Get real-time support and therapy-related tips from our AI chatbot trained on game addiction recovery best practices.
Streak System
Track your progress with a real-time counter showing how long you've been game-free. Celebrate milestones and stay motivated.
Community Forum
Connect with others on the same journey. Share experiences, get advice, and motivate each other to stay game-free.

How It Works

GAMEFREE guides you through a proven 90-day recovery process to break free from gaming addiction.


Take the Assessment

Complete our 14-question quiz to understand your level of gaming addiction and receive personalized recommendations.


Set Your Goals

Commit to a 90-day gaming abstinence challenge with clear milestones and personalized strategies.


Use the Tools

Access the Urge Stopper, AI Chatbot, and Community Forum whenever you need support or motivation.


Track Your Progress

Watch your streak grow day by day and celebrate milestones on your journey to recovery.

The 90-Day Recovery Journey

Research shows that 90 days is the optimal period to break a gaming addiction and establish new, healthier habits. Our program guides you through each phase of recovery.

90-Day Gaming Recovery Progress Graph

1Days 1-30 🌱

Breaking the habit & managing withdrawals

2Days 31-60 🌿

Building new routines & finding balance

3Days 61-90 🌳

Solidifying recovery & preventing relapse

Ready to Break Free from Gaming Addiction?

Join thousands of others on their journey to recovery. GAMEFREE is coming soon to iOS and Android.

Coming Soon oniOS App Store
Coming Soon onGoogle Play